July Talk’s path has never been through fitting in. Their music, viscerally, blisteringly hot, cuts right through the radio charts, with certified gold and #1 singles from every album released. Their churning and fiercely physical performances make spaces hiss and hum, spit and seethe in glorious, artful abandon.
On Pray For It, their third album, July Talk reckon with vulnerability as a superpower. From the ache for renewal on “Identical Love” to the surrealist slice-up of capitalist inequity on lead single “Governess Shadow” to the sunset synths of “Good Enough,” Pray For It shows a band bearing witness to transformative change within, and committed to the possibility of change in the world at large. July Talk celebrated Pray For It with two sold out performances at the Stardust Drive-In, where their cinematic vision came to life amid extraordinary circumstances.
July Talk continues to rise with purpose and poise. The band has fostered a community of collaborators among those also challenging systemic inequities. July Talk has also grown in their roles as advocates of an urgent and fundamental music industry recalibration, through curatorial partnerships with festivals and by defining their own parameters for safer spaces at rock shows.