In Loving Memory: 2024 In Memoriam - The JUNO Awards

During The 2024 JUNO Opening Night Awards Presented by Music Canada, the JUNO Awards paid tribute to the members of the music community who passed away this year. The JUNO Awards celebrate and remember each individual for their respective talents and contributions to Canada’s culture and community.

Sebastian Agnello
John Alexander
Dane Lanken
Chad Allan
Jimmy Ayoub
Tim Bachman
Philip Balsam
Doug “Hal Halbour” Barron
Les “Bates” Bateman
David Baxter
Towa Beer
Rob Bennett
Armando Borg
Ron Boudreau
Carol Brown
Doug Caldwell
Frank Cameron
Paul Cockburn
Eleanor Collins
Don Daynard
Peter De Remigis
Bruce Duncan
Mike Eastick
Tex Emery
Vic (Victor James) Folliott
Jon Erickson
Bob Erlendson
José Evangelista
Valeria Fellini
Myles Goodwyn
Seamus Grew
John Grove
Tony Anselmo
Stein Guitton
Bruce Guthro
Francois Guy
Mark Keys
Peter Herrndorf
Phil Lind
Greg “Fritz” Hinz
Bruce Innes
Jean-Pierre Isaac
Rawle James
Robert George aka “Georgie Fab” Johnston
Jimmy Jones
Wayne Jordan
Marvin “The Fly” Kee
Ronnie King
Dr. Michael Arthurs
Ian Sorbie
Stan Klees
Eleanor Koldofsky
Sean Lalla
Slaight Greg
Norma Pacheco
Serge Laprade
Denis LePage
Gordon Lightfoot
Andrew Lindsay
Willie MacCalder
Andrei Sin
Roy MacCaull
X-Ray MacRae
John McBride
Joe Millar
Pat (Patricia) Steel Moyer
Al Miller
George Belmore
Peter J. Moore
Keith Spicer
Gilbert Morin
Cal Cavenish
Ian Ferrier
Jocelyn Morlock
Terry Norman Taylor
Jake Palahnuk
Bill Elliott
Denis Parker
Bernie Pitters
Dieter Radecki
Al Rain
Robbie Robertson
Red Robinson
John Roles
Stacie Roper
Bart Schoales
Colette “Coco Nette” Schryburt
Bob Segarini
Fred Sherratt
Caroline “Care” Slezak Kawa
Tom Stephen
Martin Stevens
Karl Tremblay
Dougie Trineer
Johnny JL Usry Jr.
Vicki Walters
Larry Wanagas
Tom Williams
Dick Williams: The Tall One