Awards 2000 Canadian Music Hall of Fame 1990 Producer of the Year Pump - Aerosmith 1982 Producer of the Year Working for the Weekend, It's Over - Loverboy 1980 Producer of the Year Armageddon- Prism Nominations 2000 Canadian Music Hall of Fame 1999 Best Producer Within; I Finally Found My Way - Kiss 1997 Producer of the Year Free to Decide; When You're Gone - The Cranberries 1991 Producer of the Year Thunderstruck - AC/DC; Dorianna - Paul Laine 1990 Producer of the Year Pump - Aerosmith 1989 Producer of the Year The Movie- Aerosmith 1989 Producer of the Year Stick To Your Guns - Bon Jovi 1987 Producer of the Year You Give Love A Bad Name, Living on a Prayer- Bon Jovi 1983 Producer of the Year Worlds Away, She Controls Me- Strange Advance 1982 Producer of the Year Working for the Weekend, It's Over - Loverboy 1981 Producer of the Year Young & Restless, Satellite- Prism 1980 Producer of the Year Armageddon- Prism